Aphorisms Page 2

Sometimes I feel like the dog in the Wizard of Oz story, except in my case the barking at the man behind the curtain goes unheeded.


Darwinism is wrong about evolution. We humans don't fully understand what technology has done for us.


Few things are as pathetic as a scholar who asks only the questions that bring funding.


Biology is becoming a growing field. Farmers knew about such things before biologists were born. Oncologists came after.


The trouble with science is that it's become way too scientific. Adherence to a prescribed method has become a barrier to an unfettered search for knowledge.


An individual with conscience is much more trustworthy than one with principles.


Schooling is a sit down activity; Education is stand up.


Common sense isn't what it used to be. In post-modernism, common nonsense is marketed to the public as a wondrous land.


Evolution is often viewed as accidents selected upon by environment. Post-modern parents sometimes refer to children in this same way. But in the latter case, it happened in minutes rather than millions of years.


What is free thought? I think we discussed that in school and I recall that we were successful in emerging a universal understanding.


Buddhists say that the effortless way is the true way. Lazy bastards. But,I agree with them.


The First Law of Drugs for the pharmaceutical industry is this: Never allow people to grow their own dope.


I grew up in the 1960's when it was popular to buck the establishment.  More often than not, these protests were nothing more than a newer type of conformity. Looking back, I'd say it worked pretty well.


The reason that government doesn't tax religion might have to do with the fact that they are in the same business.


If I am ever reincarnated, I am going to come back in the 1800's. I think the BS that was part of that era smelled better than it does now.


How are cats and post-modern humans the same?  Both have attitude problems and do way too much licking of the privates.


Very few people are able to spot the man behind the curtain. Like Dorothy and her companions in Oz, those that are in danger of exposing these frauds are given certificates that lead to secure jobs in the systemor, alternatively, they get out of town. That's one thing we do at the University. We give out a lot of certificates.


Public schooling takes the hungry, feeds them BS, and then encourages them to believe they have eaten well and are now satisfied.


We shouldn't forget that all measurements in science are approximations. We tend to feel certain of ourselves when we view these approximations as too small to matter.


I sometimes marvel that aging professors turn to dry wood, burn themselves out, and end their careers struggling with the same mundane activities they were undertaking twenty or thirty years earlier. It's a type of damnation that accompanies the death of the child within. Why do so many think there's nothing to discover elsewhere?


Banker's tears are like a Tiger's fear. These aren't things one should be believing in.


Inflation is the way the government steals your wallet without your knowledge while appearing to gain you a better income.


I've come to realize that the human race is totally screwed up. Many of you have inspired me.


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